Shanghai Lao Lao 上海姥姥餐牌



Shanghai Lao Lao 上海姥姥餐牌

🎊Special Promotion 特別優惠🎊

優惠期間, 現凡惠顧一客酸辣湯, 即可獲免費酸辣湯一客。數量有限, 送完即止。Enjoy “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” on Hot & Sour Soup with Shrimp & Pork (Person)! Offer valid while stocks last.

  • 酸辣湯 ()

Hot & Sour Soup with Shrimp &
Pork (Person)


Shanghai Style Special Set 滬式小菜套餐

  • 滬式小菜套餐 B (Special Set B)

+主菜+飲品 Soup + Main Course+ Drink


Shanghai Style Handmade Noodles Set 上海手製拉麵套餐

  • 手製拉麵套餐 B (Handmade Noodles Set B)

涼菜+手製拉麵+飲品 Appetizer+Handmade


Appetizer 冷菜類

  • 105 糖心燻蛋 (標準)

105 Smoked Egg (regular)


  • 155 糖心燻蛋 (輕盈)

155 Smoked Egg (petite)


  • 112 香煎素鵝 (標準)

112 Assorted Mushrooms
wrapped with Crispy Bean Curd


  • 162 香煎素鵝 (輕盈)

162 Assorted Mushrooms
wrapped with Crispy Bean Curd


  • 114 手拍小青瓜 (標準)

114 Marinated Cucumber


  • 164 手拍小青瓜 (輕盈)

164 Marinated Cucumber


  • 119 陳醋貓耳朵 (標準)

119 Black Fungus with Vinegar
Dressing (regular)


  • 169 陳醋貓耳朵 (輕盈)

169 Black Fungus with Vinegar
Dressing (petite)


  • 111 芥末小雲耳 (標準)

111 Black Fungus with Mustard
Sauce (regular)


  • 161 芥末小雲耳 (輕盈)

161 Black Fungus with Mustard
Sauce (petite)


  • 116 香辣貢菜 (標準)

116 Spicy Tribute Vegetable


  • 166 香辣貢菜 (輕盈)

166 Spicy Tribute Vegetable


  • 103 四喜烤麩 (標準)

103 Soft-braised Gluten with
Chinese Mushroom, Black Fung


  • 153 四喜烤麩 (輕盈)

153 Soft-braised Gluten with
Chinese Mushroom, Black Fung


  • 104 雞絲粉皮 (標準)

104 Mung Bean Noodles with
Shredded Chicken (regular)


  • 154 雞絲粉皮 (輕盈)

154 Mung Bean Noodles with
Shredded Chicken (petite)


  • 106 五香燻魚 (標準)

106 Smoked Fish with Mixed
Spices (regular)


  • 156 五香燻魚 (輕盈)

156 Smoked Fish with Mixed
Spices (petite)


  • 110 涼拌海蜇 (標準)

110 Marinated Jellyfish (regular)


  • 160 涼拌海蜇 (輕盈)

160 Marinated Jellyfish (petite)


  • 117 水晶肴肉 (標準)

117 Sliced Pork Terrine (regular)


  • 167 水晶肴肉 (輕盈)

167 Sliced Pork Terrine (petite)


  • 107 醉雞

107 Marinated Chicken in Hua
Diao Wine


  • 108 回味口水雞

108 Steamed Chicken with Chilli
Sauce in Sichuan Style


  • 109 醉豬手 (標準)

109 Marinated Pork Knuckles in
Hua Diao Wine (regular)


  • 159 醉豬手 (輕盈)

159 Marinated Pork Knuckles in
Hua Diao Wine (petite)


  • 118 燻蹄拌粉皮 (標準)

118 Mung Bean Noodles with
Preserved Pork Shank Slices (r


  • 168 燻蹄拌粉皮 (輕盈)

168 Mung Bean Noodles with
Preserved Pork Shank Slices (p


  • 122 四川松花皮蛋 (標準)

122 Preserved Egg in Sichuan
Style (regular)


  • 172 四川松花皮蛋 (輕盈)

172 Preserved Egg in Sichuan
Style (Petite)


  • 蘿蔔絲拌海蜇 (標準)

Marinated Jellyfish with
Shredded Radish (Regular)


  • 蘿蔔絲拌海蜇 (輕盈)

Marinated Jellyfish with
Shredded Radish (Petite)


  • 香辣金錢肚 (標準)

Spicy Beef Tripe (Regular)


  • 香辣金錢肚 (輕盈)

Spicy Beef Tripe (Petite)


Handmade Noodle 手製拉麵類

You can add an extra portion of ribs on the side for all noodles. 所有麵類均可追加排骨一份

  • 301 姥姥手製排骨拉麵

301 Noodles in Soup with Spare


  • 302 四川擔擔麵

302 Noodles in Spicy Sesame &
Peanut Soup


  • 303 酸辣湯拉麵

303 Noodles in Hot & Sour Soup


  • 304 五香牛肉拉麵

304 Noodles in Soup with Beef in
Mixed Spices


  • 305 菜肉雲吞拉麵

305 Noodles in Soup with Pork &
Vegetable Wontons


  • 306 水煮牛肉拉麵

306 Noodles in Spicy Soup with
Sliced Beef


  • 317 鮮茄雜菌拉麵

317 Noodles in Soup with
Tomato & Mixed Mushrooms


  • 357 開洋蔥油拌麵 (配杞子雞湯)

357 Noodles with Dried Shrimps
& Scallion Oil (Served with Chic


  • 314 紅油抄手拌麵 (配杞子雞湯)

314 Noodles with Pork &
Vegetable Wontons in Chilli Oil


  • 315 炸醬拌麵 (配杞子雞湯)

315 Noodles with Minced Pork
(Served with Chicken and Wolf


  • 紅油五香牛肉拌麵 (配杞子雞湯)

Noodles with Spiced Beef in
Chilli Oil (Served with Chicken


Soup 湯類

  • 601 酸辣湯 (每位)

601 Hot & Sour Soup (per


  • 602 宋嫂魚羮 (每位)

602 Minced Fish Potage (per


  • 605 雲吞雞湯 (每位)

605 Chicken & Pork Wonton in
Chicken Soup (per person)


  • 干貝鮮魚魚肚豆腐羹

Fish and Fish Maw Potage with
Dried Scallop, Jinhua Ham and


Dim Sum 點心類

  • 201 招牌小籠包 (4)

201 Steamed Pork Dumplings


  • 202 姥姥生煎包 (3)

202 Pan-fried Pork Buns (3 pcs)


  • 215 風味素菜餃 (湯餃/蒸餃) (4)

215 Vegetable Dumplings (In
Soup/Steamed) (4pcs)


  • 205 蒸素菜包 (3)

205 Steamed Vegetarian Buns (3


  • 203 生煎鍋貼 (3)

203 Pan-fried Pork Dumplings (3


  • 204 紅油抄手 (6)

204 Pork & Vegetable Wontons
in Chilli Oil (6 pcs)


  • 206 菜肉雲吞 (6)

206 Pork & Vegetable Wontons
(6 pcs)


  • 207 蔥油餅 (2)

207 Pan-fried Scallion Pancake
(2 pcs)


  • 208 銀絲卷 (/)

208 Silver Thread Roll (Steamed
/ wok-fried)


  • 210 酸辣湯雲吞 (6)

210 Hot & Sour Soup with
Wontons (6 pcs)


  • 221 古法香蔥芝麻餅

221 Sesame & Scallion Pancake


  • 222 紫菜鮮蝦春卷 (3)

222 Shrimp & Seaweed Spring
Rolls (3 pcs)


  • 223 三鮮鍋貼 (3)

223 Pan-fried Pork, Shrimp &
Mushroom Dumplings (3 pcs)


Rice, Noodle, Rice Cake 飯麵年糕類

  • 401 姥姥家鄉粗炒

401 Fried Noodles with
Vegetables & Shredded Pork


  • 402 上海炒年糕

402 Fried Rice Cake with
Vegetables & Shredded Pork


  • 403 雪菜肉絲炒年糕

403 Fried Rice Cake with Salty
Preserved Mustard Greens & S


  • 404 揚州炒飯 (蝦。牛。雞)

404 Fried Rice with Shrimp,
Beef, Chicken


  • 405 黄金蝦仁炒飯

405 Fried Rice with Shrimps with
Salted Egg Yolk


  • 410 鹹肉菜炒飯

410 Minced Meat & Vegetables
Fried Rice


  • 老上海炒飯 (炸菜豬肉碎豬肉鬆)

Old Shanghai Style Fried Rice
with Preserved Mustard Green,


  • 鮮雜菌青菜煨麵

Stewed Noodles with Mixed
Mushrooms and Vegetables


  • 406 嫩雞煨麵

406 Braised Noodles with


  • 419 雪菜蝦仁煨麵

419 Braised Noodles with Salty
Preserved Mustard Greens & S


  • 409 絲苗白飯

409 Steamed Plain Rice


Main Dish 小菜類

  • 501 麻婆豆腐

501 Braised Bean Curd & Minced
Pork in Chilli Sauce


  • 503 回鍋肉

503 Sautéed Sliced Pork,
Cabbage & Bean curd with Pep


  • 504 乾煸四季豆

504 Sautéed String Beans with
Minced Pork & Dried Shrimps


  • 506 水煮牛肉

506 Sliced Beef in Chilli Oil


  • 508 水煮魚片

508 Sautéed Sliced Fish in Chilli


  • 509 糟溜魚片

509 Sautéed Sliced Fish with
Fermented Rice Wine Sauce


  • 521 黑醋骨

521 Pork Spare Ribs in Black
Vinegar Sauce


  • 522 椒鹽小黃魚 (兩條)

522 Deep-fried Yellow Little
Croaker Fish with Salt & Peppe


  • 525 腿蓉奶油津白

525 Chinese Cabbage with Ham
and Cream Sauce


  • 松子桂花魚

Deep Fried Mandarin Fish with
Sweet and Sour Sauce


  • 滬式葱油雞

Steamed Chicken with Scallion
Oil in Shanghai Style


  • 黃金紅燒獅子頭

Braised Minced Pork Meatball in
Soy Sauce with Shanghai Cabb


  • 油麥菜 (清炒/蒜蓉)

Indian Lettuce (Wok Fried/
Sauteed with Garlic)


  • 干貝賽螃蟹

Chinese Scrambled Egg White
with Egg Yolks and Shredded D


  • 水煮海上鮮

Sautéed Sliced Catfish, Shrimp
and Jellyfish in Hot Chilli Oil


  • 水煮牛三拼

Sautéed Sliced Beef and Beef
Tripe in Hot Chilli Oil


  • 水煮雜菌時蔬

Mixed Mushrooms and Vegetable
in Hot Chilli Oil


  • 黃金魚塊

Fried Sliced Fish Fillet with
Salted Egg Yolk


  • 糖醋魚塊

Sautéed Sliced Fish Fillet with
Sweet and Sour Sauce


  • 宮保雞丁

Sautéed Diced Chicken with
Chilli and Cashew Nut


Dessert 甜品類

  • 701 桂花酒釀丸子(每位)

701 Mini Glutinous Balls with
Osmanthus in Fermented Rice


  • 702 豆沙鍋餅 (8)

702 Red Bean Paste Pancake (8


  • 704 雷沙湯圓 (4)

704 Glutinous Rice Dumplings
with Black Sesame Paste (4 pcs)


  • 705 酒釀湯圓 (2)

705 Black Sesame Glutinous
Rice Dumplings in Fermented R


  • 紅豆桂花糕 (4)

Red Bean and Osmanthus Cake


芝麻脆龍湯圓 (4)$50.00

Drink 飲品類

  • 802 酸梅湯 ()

802 Sour Plum Drink (Iced)


  • 809 雪梨紅棗茶 ()

809 Pear & Red Date Tea (Hot)


  • 809 雪梨紅棗茶 ()

809 Pear & Red Date Tea (Iced)


  • 810 鮮檸香薑蜜 ()

810 Fresh Lemonade with Ginger
& Honey (Hot)


  • 810 鮮檸香薑蜜 ()

810 Fresh Lemonade with Ginger
& Honey (Iced)


  • 813 杞子菊花蜜 ()

813 Chrysanthemum Tea with
Chinese Wolfberries & Honey (


  • 813 杞子菊花蜜 ()

813 Chrysanthemum Tea with
Chinese Wolfberries & Honey (i


  • 803 可口可樂

803 Coca Cola (Can)


  • 零系可樂

Coke Zero (Can)


  • 803 雪碧

803 Sprite (Can)


  • 806 Evian 依雲法國天然礦泉水

806 Evian (Bottle)


  • 807 Perrier 法國有氣礦泉水

807 Perrier (Bottle)


  • 808 青島啤酒 (罐裝)

808 TsingTao Beer (can)


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Bien-etre Voyage 不凡出遊

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